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Angela Vrankic is a Health Psychologist with over 20 years experience providing one-to-one counselling treatment services for adults and corporate psychology services including coaching, mentoring and training. She specialises in the treatment of depression, anxiety, trauma, perinatal depression and anxiety, adjustment to injury, occupational stress and workplace bullying & harassment. Angela has an interest in helping individuals and organisations to enrich their lives/organisation and become resilient individuals and organisations. Her experience in the workers compensation system is extensive and involves the provision of medico-legal assessments, psychological treatment and advisory services to key stake holders. Angela utilises a number of therapeutic approaches including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive BehaviouralTherapy (CBT), Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Solution Focused Therapy(SFT) and Clinical Hypnosis. She is a member of the Australian Psychological Society, the APS College of Health Psychologists and the Australian Association of Cognitive BehaviourTherapy.
Psychologist at Victoria Tower Medical.
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